Thursday, March 25, 2010

Bravo Dr. Faustus Kids

The island wide speech festival was on Wednesday, and the kids were AMAZING. With hair, make up, and costumes, they kids came to life and were ready to perform. We had a momentary freak-out right before the performance when Joe (our lead) disappeared without telling anyone....nature called and he followed. Literally seconds before moving backstage to take our places, he came running up to the group! Oh, Joe!

Once back stack we were ready to go! The props boys were in place and prepared. During Tuesday's dress rehearsal, they managed to set up and take down everything in just 30 seconds! Four huge, heavy, wooden background pieces, a desk, a couch, a bookshelf, a side table, a lamp, and the additional props lifted on stage and in to place in 30 seconds! Yes, my kids are super heroes.

Their performance was they best I've ever seen it. Without ever practicing with microphones, they pulled off an awesome show! Rachel and I were proud mamas! In just a few weeks we had designed, built, and painted a set, made costumes, taught the kids to understand and love Christopher Marlowe, memorized lines, staged the play, pulled off a performance with passion, and laughed a lot! Chooohooo!

The rest of the day was a bit more stressful.....Upon returning back to Rachel's classroom we discovered someone had busted the classroom lock and stolen a bunch of stuff. Included in the missing items were a DS game, speakers, jeans + belt, phone, and $50. The kids were extremely upset to come back and find that all of us stuff had been gone through and picked over. Rachel and I were even more upset because as teachers we want our students to feel that themselves and their belongings are safe. After consoling some students and filing  police reports, Rachel and I settled into the gym to watch the rest of the performances.

The play came in 4th out of 11, and the students were upset. Unfortunately, the difficulty of the Old English language left some of the judges a bit confused. The night ended with smiles as Rachel and I crammed 4 of our students into the car for rides home. Lots of singing and tons of laughter were in order!

I love my kids! They rock!

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