The weekend was definitely eventful. Friday: dinner with friends and Bowling Club (local dance club), Saturday: Scott and Taylor’s BBQ, Sunday: Palagi Party.
In honor of the 3 day weekend (yes, we get Columbus Day off here in Am. Sam), Kara (a WT alum, now contract teacher) decided to through a Sunday house warming party. She has had a bit of trouble working out her housing with the DOE, so her new place is a big deal and cause for celebration! She invited all the WT volunteers as well as all the other palagi (white people) she has meet in her year and a half here. It was truly a gathering of 90% of American Samoa’s palagi community, and disturbingly weird. I haven’t been around that many white people in almost 4 months and it was a little overwhelming. It’s like reverse culture shock! But the night went well. We mingled in our WT community, and Kate, my social partner in crime, and I made the wise decision to stay ‘til the end.
There are 2 main palagi crowds on the island: (1) our WT volunteer crew and (2) the Coconut Point palagis consisting of mostly science researchers and legal aid/lawyers. So we got to know more of the other palagi crowd and made some new friends!
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