Thursday, January 28, 2010

Case of the Missing Kittens

Last night Julia called on her walk home. She needed advice. There were a few kittens next to the road, and she was afraid they were going to get hit. Anyone who knows me well understands my extreme soft spot for anything little and furry. Of course, I told her to bring them home. Thirsty minutes later she arrived with a box of the 3 tiniest kittens. They were cold and wet and ADORABLE. Because we were worried about flees, we couldn’t bring them into the house (ant and termite infestation is enough). We sat outside petting and playing with them. I got a towel and dried each of them off. We knew they were hungry but we didn’t have much in the way off kitten food. We tried skim milk, but apparently kitties are picky and wouldn’t touch the stuff. I found a can of cream of chicken and decided to try that. The kitties were in heaven. They pushed their itty bitty faces into the pile of food and went to town. One, however, preferred to be hand fed, as he liked it when I dipped my finger into the food and then let him lick it off. After letting them eat and playing with them for a while, we wrapped them up in a towel and tucked them into their box. We sent them in the corner of our porch for the night, and thought we were worried about leaving them outside we hoped they would be okay. 
I checked on the babies first thing in the morning and they were sound a sleep. By 6 they were up and I fed them right before I left school. Julia checked on them again at around 7:45 when she left. All was good. When I got home from school, though, everything was gone. No box. No towel and water. No kitties. I figured Julia must have taken them with her somewhere. Later when Julia and I saw each other we discovered neither of us had messed with them. We called Kaleo to ask if he had them or knew what happened, and he also said no. So now we are left kitty-less and have no idea what happened to our little cuties. They just disappeared along with everything we left out for them. 

01.28.2010_Case of the Missing Kitties

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