Friday, June 11, 2010

It's Official

It's official! I am returing back to Samoa on July 22nd, and Ethan's coming with me! Yippee for another year of Samoan adventures and new experiences working at PiCED (Pacific Island Center for Educational Development)!

1 comment:

  1. Whew - a lot of memories in those past couple blog entries. I remember the calls, the relief I felt when I heard you were coming home early, the stress and anxiety of your trip thru HNL airport and your late night arrival at IAH. At times it seems a long time ago and yet only three months have passed. Then there were the Dr. appointments, numerous blood work-ups, tests, the frustration of dealing with doctors, helping Ethan with his final review, your continued exhaustion and your slow return to feeling somewhat normal. And then time advanced closer to your departure for PPG. I chose to ignore this fact (your departure date). I'm grateful for the time I got to spend with you and I was happy to see the animated side of you too. I'm glad you got to see some of the far away relatives. I know they all appreciated it. I look forward to future blog entries. And if there is anything you need, you only have to ask.
